Sep 13, 2017


My first frontpanels where made of polyprophylene, wich is o.k.ish, but in 5U veery woobly.

To finally get my ass up again and build all the stuff I have, I decided to rebuild my Cabinet.
I added real metal-rails and decided to do all my frontpanels anew with Alu-Dibond.

While planing this I had another idea. I found the arrangement of the knobs and jacks mostly to spacey on the 5U ... but 3U is in my eyes too small.

So I decided to crop all standard formats and build some 4Uish stuff, but stay at -+15Volts.

Best decision I made .. regarding formats.


Midibox Seq V4 plus

I finally finished my Midibox Sequencer V4
This gives me a total new workflow that I still have to train but fell in love with.

I added round buttons and a transperent case, wich looks pretty cool.

I also added nearly all extensions I could find.
So it has now:
  • 4 Midi IN
  • 8 Midi Out
  • The CV/Gate Extension for my modular with 8 CV, 8 Gate, 8 Clock and in addition 16 triggers

Ungleichklang is now Ardvinna Modular

After some years and some big changes in my perspectives I decided to rebrand the old me and seperate the Synth DIY stuff from my music stuff.

My musical projects will now be named Ardvinna Moon with me, as Alisdair Moons, wich gives me the chance to some wonderfull cooperations with other artists.

My Synth-DIY stuff is now Ardvinna Modular.

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